Flights between Boise and McCall
Summer flights between Boise and McCall
Summer flights are offered 7 days/week, as shared on-demand flights. This type of flight means you get the benefit of paying for just a seat, rather than paying for the whole airplane. The tradeoff is that we ask you to be flexible, as we may move departure times to accommodate other travelers.
We usually have an afternoon option from Boise to McCall, and both a morning and afternoon option from McCall to Boise. Call for specifics.
Charter is always available for this route, if you’d like to fly a date/time/route we don’t offer regularly. Charter pricing tends to work best with larger groups of travelers, as charter flights require that you pay for the entire airplane, not just a seat.
After September 15th
We don’t have enough people booking after mid-September to offer flights on a seat-rate basis, but we can offer charters. Our Caravans are pretty great for flying people between Boise and McCall with golf clubs or skis, and can fly in most weather conditions. Other aircraft options vary with weather and how many people you need to fly. Call us to see what we can do for you!
Schedule between McCall and Boise (through Sept 15)
Call to Book
Our summer flights are shared on-demand, which means that while we'll book you at a specific time, you should be prepared to be flexible as we work to accommodate as many travelers as we can. While we try to limit changes, we can and do move flight times frequently!
We usually have an afternoon flight option from Boise to McCall 7 days a week (from June-Sept 15th) and that usually leaves around 4:00pm.
We usually have a morning AND afternoon flight option from McCall to Boise 7 days a week from June-Sept 15th. The morning option usually leaves between 10:30am and 11:30am, and the afternoon option usually leaves around 5pm.
If you will have connections out of Boise on big airlines, we recommend giving yourself a lot of buffer time, given the flexible nature of our schedule. For example, if you are taking a 10:30 flight from McCall to Boise, we recommend booking any flight out of Boise after 1:30pm.
Note: While we have availability 7 days a week, we eliminate options as we get within a week of the flight date. If you wait till the last minute, we may not be able to accommodate your needs. When possible, book early!
Call to book! No online booking currently available. 4
If you are looking for flights after September 15th:
We will usually have one flight option on Mondays and Fridays
and/or charter flights any other day of the week, weather permitting.
Pricing between McCall and Boise ( June 1 through Sept 15th)
One Way
Flight Between Boise and McCall-
35 lbs bags fly free with ticket
$1/lb for extra baggage
$50 Change or Cancellation Fee
Round Trip
Flight Between Boise and McCall-
35 lbs bags fly free with ticket
$1/lb for extra baggage
$50 Change or Cancellation Fee
Kid's Price
Flight Between Salmon and Boise-
Available for kids 12 and under
Must fly with full-price adult
35 lbs bags fly free with ticket
$1/lb for extra baggage
$50 Change or Cancellation Fee
Cannot be combined with other offers
Limit of two 50% tickets per booking/flight
Boise Information
Where to meet us in BOI
Meet us at the Boise Main Terminal. Go to the baggage claim area, and look around for a check in counter with a Gem Air sign above it. We’ll be right there!
When to meet us in BOI
Show up 30 minutes before your scheduled departure time, and you’ll be set.
We operate outside of TSA’s secure area, so there are no x-rays or security check-in for our flights.
Parking and Ground Transportation in BOI
The Boise Airport’s website has the best info on BOI Parking and Ground Transportation.
Uber is also a good option in the Boise Metro Area.
McCall Information
Where to meet us in MYL
336 Deinhard Avenue, McCall, ID.
A tan hanger about a mile south of downtown McCall.
When to meet us in MYL
Show up 30 minutes before your scheduled departure time.
This office is not staffed all-day, and is likely to be locked until 30 minutes before your scheduled departure time. Feel free to grab a bite to eat at a restaurant across the street while you wait!
Parking and Ground Transportation in MYL
Parking is limited near our building at the McCall airport. Let us know if you are planning to leave a vehicle while on your trip.
McCall Shuttle: The red line runs every hour, and hits most popular spots in McCall. Find more info here.
There are no taxis or rental cars – luckily, most things are within walking distance.